The great expanse. Perhaps we are naturally drawn to scenes of great distances not just for the beauty of the vista but also because of what such scenes have come to represent within ourselves. The opening, a journey, an adventure. More than anything else the overcoming of the fears that keep us stranded within our starting points and our visions limited and small. Out upon that great expense is our faith. Beyond ourselves a love far greater and more powerful than what we assume keeps us safe and comfortable. The ships of our souls weren’t built to be tied and anchored. They were built for full sails toward the light.
SeaofWindbyJimCrottyEarly March at sunset over meadow at Sugarcreek MetroPark near Dayton Ohio by Jim Crotty
SeptemberSkybyJimCrottySeptember in the meadow at Sugarcreek MetroPark near Dayton Ohio by Jim Crotty
SpringArrivesinOhiobyJimCrottyFarm fields in late March near Laurelville Ohio by Jim Crotty