My nature, landscape, and still-life images are available for stock licensing. The most common licensing I provide is limited-use, non-exclusive publishing rights. Licensing fees are based on intended usage, such as size in publication and distribution. Limited-use, non-exclusive pricing ranges from $75 to $500 per image. The rights granted will be stipulated in the fee invoice when licensing is purchased.
On infrequent occasions, we will consider selling exclusive rights to an image, and if so, the licensing price will reflect the exclusivity.
Unless otherwise requested, my images licensed for publication are usually provided as full-size JPEG files.
I have a library of images that extends back to 1999. During that time, I experienced two hard drive crashes where some original files were not recoverable.
The best way to reference one of my images is to copy the URL of where you found the photograph and email it to me for verification and availability for licensing.
CuyahogaValleyTraiGuideCoverwithphotographybyJimCrottyStock nature photography usage on cover of Cuyahoga Valley National Park Trail Guide
JimCrottyPhotographyTearSheet 19Published Photography by Jim Crotty
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